Nanda BT3 Intrusion Arch

Nanda BT3 Intrusion Arch

The intrusion arch is inserted into the molar tubes with the pre-activated 30° V-bends 2-3 mm mesial to the molar tubes so that the wire lies passive-ly on the vestibular sulcus. Activation is accomplished by bringing it occlusal and tying it to the anterior segment attached to the four incisors. An intrusive force of 40-50 grams acts on the incisors while at the same time a reciprocal extrusive force and a distal crown moment is felt by the molars and/or the buccal segment. This moment can help in correcting edge to edge class II to class I molar relationship. 


• Incisor intrusion
• Simultaneous Class II Molar Correction
• Incisor Flaring

• Correction of minor open bite (Incisor Extrusion)
• Correction of Anterior Occlusal Cant
• Preventing the side effects associated with canine retraction

Sold in Pack of 3

Orthodontic Supplies Australia

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